
举办时间: 2021-06-23 至 2021-06-25 举办展馆:上海世贸商城 会展行业:食品饮料 展位类型: 标展:12800元,9㎡;光地:1300元/㎡,36㎡起订 参展报名

如您需要人工服务,请致电会猫网服务热线: 021-51873625 咨询。


首届举办: 2010年

举办展馆: 上海世贸商城


媒体宣传: http://www.high-endwine.com/

会展主办方: 中国欧洲经济技术合作协会葡萄酒与烈酒分会



The theme of this exhibition is "Tasting world wine, enjoy wine life".

As one of the influential of high brand wine exhibition, China, accumulated since 2010 more than 80 international wine production mechanism,related associations of resources, more than 30,000 wineries and importers, nearly 60,000 dealers; previous exhibition attracted nearly 1,100 companies from France, Italy, Spain, and Australia, United States, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Argentina, South Africa,Chile,Georgia and other more than 30 countries participating, the total exhibition area of 120,000 ㎡, of which 65% for foreign wineries. Domestic wine dealers, agents, wholesalers, star hotels, business super, catering, group buying, clubs and other business man, 82%. Has become an international platform for many wine merchants and wine lovers, and has won full recognition and high praise from associations and commercial organizations at home and abroad. We will continue to uphold the help of domestic and foreign merchants to establish a corporate brand image in the Chinese area, the purpose of achieving sales targets and expand the Chinese wine market scale, to create an international high-end wine exhibition good international effect, warmly welcome domestic and foreign merchants to come to visit the wine tasting!

据最新葡萄酒市场报告预计:2022年全球葡萄酒市场将达到US$402亿元。在全球市场不断增长的大背景下,亚洲市场尤其是中国市场的增速最快,将以每年5%的速度递增。目前中国是世界第五大葡萄酒消费国,中国葡萄酒市场价值潜力巨大,已成为国内外葡萄酒专业人士共识。作为中国东部地区具有国际影响力的葡萄酒博览会,High-end Wine的展会规模、参展商家数量以及参会观众数量屡创新高;对高质量葡萄酒需求的持续增长,越来越多的葡萄酒贸易商将不断寻求新的高质量葡萄酒货源,我们将专注于为葡萄酒经营群体及商务人士提供专业贸易合作平台。


一带一路葡萄酒大赛| The Belt and Road Wine Competition









·After the various varieties of wine: red wine, white wine, pink wine, dry wine, sweet wine,etc.

·Foreign wine: Champagne, sherry, Icewine, brandy, whiskey, vodka, sake, sparkling wine,etc.

·Traditional and fashionable wine: white wine, yellow, health wine, beer, cocktail,liqueur,etc.

·This wine appliances and related products: wine opener, Bottle cap, cork, nose, wooden box, cabinet, and wine decanter,etc.

·The barrels, cans, vessels, packaging, storage equipment, logistics transportation,etc.

·All promotional materials and other organizations, medals, certificates, Wine books, magazines, media, education and training institutions and service agencies,etc.




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首届举办: 2010年

举办展馆: 上海世贸商城


媒体宣传: http://www.high-endwine.com/

会展主办方: 中国欧洲经济技术合作协会葡萄酒与烈酒分会


▉参展程序| Exhibition Procedure:


1.填写《参展申请表》邮寄或传真至组织单位。展位执行 “先申请,先付款,先安排”的原则;


1.fill in the application form for exhibition, mail or fax to the organization. The principle of "first application, first payment, first arrangement";

2.Within one week after the Booth Application,Exhibitors will cost [50% (deposit) or full payment] by telegraphic transfer or pay to the organization ,the balance paid before in May 1, 2021. After remitting the expenses, the exhibitor will send the bank remittance email to the exhibition organization.


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